Epistolario de Francisco Ayala


DESTINATARIO: Ayala, Francisco REMITENTE: Capouya, Emile

Emile Capouya
Francisco Ayala
54 West 16th Street. Apt. 4F. New York 11 N. Y.

[Carta mecanografiada con firma autógrafa y con membrete:] The Macmillan Company / Publishers / Sixty Fifth Avenue New York 11, N. Y. 

Fundación Francisco Ayala

Carta de Emile Capouya a Francisco Ayala (23/04/1962)

Mr. Francisco Ayala

54 West 16th Street

New York 11, New York

Dear Mr. Ayala:

I had not seen the notice of Mrs. Barea's translations of Hortelano. I am furious. The Prix Fomentor that Hortelano was awarded postdates, by at least a year, Mrs. Barea's commitment to translate Muertes de perro.

So far as I am concerned, whatever the condition of her health, this news makes a long delay in finishing work on your book absolutely inexcusable. I am going to attempt to make her give us the manuscript for translation in whatever state it may be. When we have examined it, we shall know exactly where we stand and what to do next.

This gives me an opportunity to thank you for the privilege of reading El fondo del vaso. I think it an extraordinary book, and a worthy successor to Muertes de perro, though surprisingly different in manner. I also very much appreciated your presenting me with copies of “Baile de mascaras” and “Violacion en California”. The theme of the latter story I remember reading in the newspapers seven or eight years ago. Did you read that item at the time? It was the case of a marine who claimed to have been assaulted by two girls, stripped of his clothing, and left naked on the highway within a few miles of his base. I have been puzzling over that story for years. I wonder if you would be willing to publish it in English. If so, I would try to sell it in translation to a magazine. And, if you agree, I would translate it, submitting the translation to you for your approval. Naturally, I want no other part in the enterprise than the privilege of being associated with the story’s appearance in English.


Emile Capouya

Senior Editor

Trade Department
