Cartas enviadas a Lewis Mumford:

Lewis Mumford

1895 Flushing - 1990 Amenia

Principalmente conocido en el ámbito hispano por sus ensayos sobre humanismo y tecnología, Lewis Mumford desarrolló una prolífica carrera como ensayista. Francisco Ayala y Eduardo Mallea le propusieron publicar en la revista Realidad.

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Francisco Ayala
Lewis Mumford
Buenos Aires

[Carta mecanografiada con anotaciones a mano, firma autógrafa y membrete:] REALIDAD / REVISTA DE IDEAS / TALCAHUANO 638. TEL. 38-7504 / BUENOS AIRES

University of Pennsylvania

Carta de Francisco Ayala a Lewis Mumford (02/10/1946)

Buenos Aires, 2nd October 1946.

Mr. Lewis Mumford.

Dear Sir:

A group of writers and scholars with whose names and words you may be acquainted have proceeded to start, in Buenos Aires, a review –Realidad– in order to expose and discuss, in a spirit free of compromise, those various and vital questions which concern, at the present moment, western civilization.

We would wish those subjects to be focussed from different angles; we have therefore applied to a number of men of diverse disciplines and belonging to several countries of Europe and America.

We have followed your work with keen interest, Sir, and we think that whatever you may have to say in the domain of general ideas will be highly appreciated by our readers of the very large Spanish-speaking public we intend to reach.

In consequence we would be deeply thankful to your kindness if Realidad con [sic] include in its first number, which will appear on January 1st, 1947, an essay or an article of yours.

In the hope that you will agree to our request we beg to inform you that our review shall publish articles ranging from 4.000 to 7.000 words, and will pay its collaborators the amount of 30 dollars (U.S.A.) for each original work. Notwithstanding our demand of unpublished material we, of course, admit the simultaneous appearance of those articles sent to us, in any language, except Spanish.

While expecting a ready answer I remain, Sir, yours sincerely.

Francisco Ayala.-

Francisco Ayala

[Escrito a mano:] Dear Mr. Mumford

As the editor of your books –being myself the director of the collection called Grandes Ensayistas, of EMECÉ– I gladly and specially add my word to these.

Eduardo Mallea